Buy A Business
Project Management
Buying a business is complex.
The average transaction can easily include 10-20 parties that each have a hand in turning an offer into a closed deal. This includes a seller, seller’s agent, seller’s attorney, seller’s CPA, buyer, buyer’s agent, buyer’s attorney, buyer’s CPA, landlord, escrow agent, bankers, valuation firms, insurance companies, state agencies, and taxing authorities.
Each constituency has needs and timelines, which may or may not mesh with the needs and timelines of their counterparts, even when representing the same client. Synesis Advisors acts as the common thread, tying all of the various needs into a cohesive process to help you get you to the finish line.
We manage projects. We manage expectations. We manage personalities.
Click on the links below to learn more.
What is Important to you in a transaction?
Finding a business that is right for you.
Surprises kill deals, so we start removing them early.
Considering your financial, tax, and legal deal points.
Obtain financing that is right for you.
We manage project. We manage expectations. We manage people.